Crossing the state border / administrative border / demarcation line in quarantine conditions

09 of December 2021 18:27
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What checkpoints on the state border of Ukraine operate?

The list of checkpoints can be found at the following links:


Is the state border of Ukraine closed for departure?

Authorized officials of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine shall issue a permit to cross the state border in case of departure from Ukraine, provided that:

- availability of a valid passport document;

- no decision of the authorized state body of Ukraine on the ban on leaving Ukraine;

- operation of the checkpoint.


Who can ban travel abroad and how to check it?

At present, the temporary restriction of a person's right to leave Ukraine is accepted by the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine in case of:

- obtaining the relevant decision (ruling, resolution) of the court;

- the presence of arrears of alimony, the total amount of which exceeds the amount of the relevant payments for four months - by a reasoned decision of the state executor made in the automated system of enforcement proceedings using a qualified electronic signature.

It is possible to check the information on the temporary restriction of a person's right to leave Ukraine only in the manner prescribed by the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection" and only in writing.

A sample application and the address to which you can apply can be found at the link


What is the procedure for entry of foreigners and stateless persons into Ukraine during the quarantine period?

Authorized officials of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine shall issue a permit to a foreigner, a stateless person to cross the state border in case of entry into Ukraine, provided that:

1) he has a valid passport document;

2) the absence of a decision of the authorized state body of Ukraine on the ban on entry into Ukraine;

3) he has an entry visa, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of Ukraine;

4) confirmation of the purpose of the planned stay;

5) availability of sufficient financial security for the period of planned stay and for return to the country of origin or transit to a third country or availability of sufficient financial security in the territory of Ukraine - for a citizen of a state included in the list of states approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine , and a stateless person permanently residing in a state included in such a list.

In order to counteract the spread of acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (hereinafter - COVID-19), foreigners and stateless persons crossing the state border to enter Ukraine must:

1) have an insurance policy (certificate) issued by an insurance company registered in Ukraine or a foreign insurance company with a representative office in Ukraine or a contractual relationship with a partner insurance company in Ukraine (assistance), covers costs, related to COVID-19 treatment, observation, and valid for the period of stay in Ukraine (except for a clearly defined category of persons);

2) have a negative result of testing for COVID-19 by polymerase chain reaction or rapid test for coronavirus antigen SARS-CoV-2, which was conducted no more than 72 hours before crossing the state border (hereinafter - a negative result of testing for COVID-19 ); or a document confirming receipt of a full course of vaccination from COVID-19 with vaccines included in the WHO list of permitted for use in emergencies, issued in accordance with the International Health Regulations (2005) or in accordance with international agreements concluded by Ukraine on mutual recognition of documents on vaccination against COVID-19 (hereinafter - the document confirming receipt of the full course of vaccination); or a foreign COVID-certificate confirming vaccination against COVID-19 with one or more doses of vaccines included in the WHO list of permitted for use in emergencies, a negative result of testing for COVID-19 by polymerase chain reaction or recovery of a person from COVID-19 (hereinafter - foreign COVID-certificate) issued by authorized institutions of the EU trust network member states or authorized institutions of other foreign states with which Ukraine has concluded international agreements on mutual recognition of COVID-certificates;

3) install and activate the mobile application "Home" (except for a clearly defined category of people).

In the absence of the above documents (insurance policy COVID-19 and / or a negative test result on COVID-19, a document confirming receipt of the full course of vaccination, foreign COVID-certificate) and in case of impossibility to install or refuse to install the mobile application "Home", an authorized official of the state border protection unit shall refuse such a person to cross the state border in accordance with the procedure specified in Article 14 of the Law of Ukraine “On Border Control”.


What are the requirements for the COVID-19 insurance policy and in what form can it be presented?

In which category of persons, in case of entry into Ukraine, is the COVID-19 insurance policy not required?

Is it possible to buy a COVID-19 insurance policy at the checkpoint?

Where can I buy a COVID-19 insurance policy?

Insurance policy (certificate) must be issued by an insurance company registered in Ukraine or a foreign insurance company that has a representative office in Ukraine or a contractual relationship with a partner insurance company in Ukraine (assistance), covers the costs of related to COVID-19 treatment, observation, and valid for the period of stay in Ukraine (hereinafter - COVID-19 insurance policy).

The COVID-19 insurance policy can be presented in printed or electronic form during the passport control.

COVID-19 insurance policy is not required:

- for citizens of Ukraine;

- for foreigners and stateless persons who permanently reside on the territory of Ukraine (permanent residence permit);

- for persons recognized as refugees or persons in need of additional protection;

- employees of diplomatic missions and consular posts of foreign states, missions of official international missions, organizations accredited in Ukraine, and members of their families;

- drivers and crew members of freight vehicles, buses engaged in regular, irregular and pendulum transportation, members of air and sea crews, river vessels, members of train and locomotive crews;

- for servicemen (units) of the armed forces of NATO member states and member states of the NATO "Partnership for Peace" program, who take part in the training of units of the Armed Forces.

Today, the COVID-19 insurance policy must be present and presented during passport control, in connection with which it is recommended to purchase such a policy before crossing the state border of Ukraine.

The COVID-19 insurance policy can be purchased using the information portal.


Which category of persons, when entering Ukraine, does not have to have a negative COVID-19 test result, a document confirming receipt of a full vaccination course, a foreign COVID certificate?

A negative COVID-19 test by polymerase chain reaction or a rapid SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus antigen test no more than 72 hours before crossing the national border is not required; or a document confirming receipt of a full course of vaccination from COVID-19 with vaccines included in the WHO list of permitted for use in emergencies, issued in accordance with the International Health Regulations (2005) or in accordance with international agreements concluded by Ukraine on mutual recognition of documents on vaccination against COVID-19; or a foreign COVID-certificate confirming vaccination against COVID-19 with vaccines included in the WHO list of permitted for use in emergencies, a negative result of testing for COVID-19 by polymerase chain reaction or recovery of a person from COVID-19 issued by authorized bodies , with which Ukraine has concluded international agreements on mutual recognition of COVID-certificates:

- for citizens of Ukraine;

- for foreigners and stateless persons under 12 years of age;

- for foreigners and stateless persons who permanently reside on the territory of Ukraine (permanent residence permit);

- for persons recognized as refugees or persons in need of additional protection;

- employees of diplomatic missions and consular posts of foreign states, missions of official international missions, organizations accredited in Ukraine, and members of their families;

- drivers and crew members of freight vehicles, buses engaged in regular, irregular and pendulum transportation, members of air and sea crews, river vessels, members of train and locomotive crews;

- for servicemen (units) of the armed forces of NATO member states and member states of the NATO "Partnership for Peace" program, who take part in the training of units of the Armed Forces.


Which of the foreigners is exempt from self-isolation, ie has the right not to install the mobile application "Home"?

According to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 09.12.2020 № 1236 "On the establishment of quarantine and the introduction of restrictive anti-epidemic measures to prevent the spread of acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by coronavirus SARS-CoV-2" (as amended) subject to foreigners and stateless persons:

- under 18 years of age;

- who are heads and members of official delegations of foreign states, employees of international organizations, as well as persons accompanying them and entering Ukraine at the invitation of the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Office of the President of Ukraine, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;

- who are employees of diplomatic missions and consular posts of foreign states, missions of official international missions, organizations accredited in Ukraine, and members of their families;

- who come to participate in official sports competitions held on the territory of Ukraine, and their accompanying persons;

- who come to participate in cultural events held on the territory of Ukraine, at the invitation of the cultural institution and their accompanying persons;

- who are servicemen (units) of the armed forces of NATO member states and member states of the NATO "Partnership for Peace" program, who take part in the training of units of the Armed Forces or arrive at the invitation of the Ministry of Defense;

- who are experts from the border agencies of the European Union, who arrive in the framework of joint operations with the European Border and Coast Guard Agency Frontex;

- who are participants in external independent assessment, persons who intend to enter educational institutions, including courses (departments) in preparation for admission to state higher education institutions, applicants studying in educational institutions located in Ukraine, as well as parents (adoptive parents), guardians, trustees, other legal representatives or other persons authorized by parents (adoptive parents), guardians, trustees or other legal representatives accompanying such persons;

- who are drivers and crew members of freight vehicles, buses engaged in regular transportation, are members of the crews of aircraft and ships, river vessels, are members of train and locomotive crews;

- who carry out transportation of hematopoietic stem cells for transplantation;

- who have a document confirming receipt of the full course of vaccination, or an international, domestic certificate or foreign certificate confirming vaccination against COVID-19 with one dose of two-dose vaccine (yellow certificates), or one dose of single-dose vaccine or two doses of two-dose vaccine ), which are included by the WHO in the list of permitted for use in emergencies, or recovery of a person from this disease;

- who enter Ukraine and have documents confirming transit through the territory of Ukraine within 48 hours.


What is the procedure for entry of Ukrainian citizens into Ukraine during the quarantine period?

A citizen of Ukraine may not be restricted in his right to enter Ukraine under any circumstances.

In accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 09.12.2020 № 1236 "On the establishment of quarantine and the introduction of restrictive anti-epidemic measures to prevent the spread of acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by coronavirus SARS-CoV-2" (as amended) citizens of Ukraine crossing the state border to enter Ukraine.

Citizens of Ukraine are not subject to self-isolation:

- under 18 years of age;

- who come to participate in official sports competitions held on the territory of Ukraine, and their accompanying persons;

- who come to participate in cultural events held on the territory of Ukraine, at the invitation of the cultural institution and their accompanying persons;

- who are members of official governmental and other delegations of Ukraine who return to Ukraine after short-term business trips abroad to participate in international consultations, negotiations, conferences, sessions of bodies of international organizations, meetings of intergovernmental commissions, other joint intergovernmental bodies;

- who are participants in external independent assessment, persons who intend to enter educational institutions, including courses (departments) in preparation for admission to state higher education institutions, applicants studying in educational institutions located in Ukraine, as well as parents (adoptive parents), guardians, trustees, other legal representatives or other persons authorized by parents (adoptive parents), guardians, trustees or other legal representatives accompanying such persons;

- who are drivers and crew members of freight vehicles, buses engaged in regular transportation, are members of the crews of aircraft and ships, river vessels, are members of train and locomotive crews;

- who carry out transportation of hematopoietic stem cells for transplantation;

- who have a document confirming receipt of the full course of vaccination, or an international, domestic certificate or foreign certificate confirming vaccination against COVID-19 with one dose of two-dose vaccine (yellow certificates), or one dose of single-dose vaccine or two doses of two-dose vaccine ), which are included by the WHO in the list of permitted for use in emergencies, or recovery of a person from this disease;

- citizens of Ukraine who have a document confirming receipt of one dose of two-dose vaccine.

A citizen of Ukraine who is subject to self-isolation in connection with crossing the state border is obliged to install and activate the mobile application "Home". If it is impossible to install such a mobile application, a citizen of Ukraine is subject to observation.


Is it necessary for a citizen of Ukraine to have a PCR test or a rapid test when entering Ukraine?

Does the presence of a test of a citizen of Ukraine taken before crossing the state border affect self-isolation?

The presence or absence of a negative result of testing for COVID-19 by polymerase chain reaction or rapid test for coronavirus antigen SARS-CoV-2, which was carried out before crossing the state border - does not affect the actions of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

The grounds on which citizens of Ukraine are released from self-isolation are defined in the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 09.12.2020 № 1236 "On quarantine and introduction of restrictive anti-epidemic measures to prevent the spread of acute respiratory disease COVID-19.

The presence of a negative result of testing for COVID-19 by polymerase chain reaction or rapid test for coronavirus antigen SARS-CoV-2 in a citizen of Ukraine does not exempt from self-isolation or observation.


How long does self-isolation last?

In which cases is self-isolation not used?

How to stop self-isolation?

Is it possible to stop self-isolation after arriving from the Russian Federation and the Republic of India?

Which body should I contact for self-isolation?

According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 09.12.2020 № 1236 "On the establishment of quarantine and the introduction of restrictive anti-epidemic measures to prevent the spread of acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by coronavirus SARS-CoV-2" (with changes) The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine checks the installation and activation of the mobile application "Home" by persons when they cross the state border.

The period of self-isolation is 10 days for persons who have crossed the state border and begins 72 hours after crossing the state border, except in cases involving the Russian Federation and the Republic of India.

Self-isolation of a person in connection with crossing the state border is not used or is terminated in case of a negative result of testing for COVID-19 by polymerase chain reaction or rapid test for coronavirus antigen SARS-CoV-2, which was carried out after crossing the state border (except persons who arrived from the Russian Federation, the Republic of India and stayed in their territory for more than 7 days in the last 14 days).

The period of self-isolation is 14 days for persons who have crossed the state border and arrived from the Russian Federation, the Republic of India and have been on their territory for more than 7 days in the last

14 days. The period of self-isolation begins from the moment of crossing the state border and cannot be stopped.

For any additional questions related to self-insulation, we recommend that you contact:

Ministry of Health of Ukraine - tel. 0-800-60-20-19 or 0-800-50-52-01;

Center for Public Health of Ukraine - tel. 0-800-50-58-55;

National Police of Ukraine - tel. 0-800-50-02-02 (regarding compliance with the quarantine regime);

Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine ( - tel. (044) 207-17-48 or 0-800-60-20-19 (regarding the operation of the application "Home").

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